Selecting cleanup items for third-party applications
The Webroot software allows you to clean more than just files used by Windows, Microsoft Office, and your browsers. It can also detect other installed programs that store information about your activity, such as Windows RealPlayer, Adobe Photoshop, and Paint Shop Pro. The Webroot software can remove evidence of the pictures you view, files you have loaded, and media you play when you use these applications.
To select applications to be included in the cleanup:
In the Icon panel, click Cleanup.
The Cleanup screen opens.
Make sure Clean third-party applications is selected and click Edit.
The Third-Party Applications screen opens and shows additional applications installed on your computer, similar to the example below. If no items appear in this panel, click Redetect All to display them.
If you want to see a list of all applications that the Webroot software can detect, de-select the Only show installed third-party applications checkbox at the bottom of the screen. Applications that are not installed are displayed in grayed-out text and cannot be selected.
To determine what items the Webroot software will clean for the selected application, hold your mouse pointer over the application name.
A pop-up message describes the types of items cleaned, such as recently viewed files and search history.
Click the checkbox next to the application names you want cleaned.